London Glass Bookshelf
Please let me know of any books not on this list.
(Updated January 2014)
The bookshelf has two sections;
First a list of books (in alphabetical order of first author) directly about glass or about aspects of London connected with glass or glass working.
Second a list of articles in journals and other publications mostly directly connected with glass in London.
- Alexander J. and Binsky P. (eds.) 1987. Age of Chivalry. Weidenfeld and Nicholson.
- Arnold’s Chronicles. 1502. Reprinted but undated.
- Barker T.C. 1992.The Glassmakers. Weidenfeld & Nicolson.1977. Mainly about Pilkington but inevitably includes information on London activities.
- Barton N. 1992.The Lost London Rivers. Historical Publications Ltd.
- Bernard Hughes, G. 1956. English, Scottish and Irish Tableglass. Boston Book & Art Shop, Boston USA.
(The problem with this book is that, with rare exceptions it is unreferenced. He was clearly very knowledgeable on the subject but much of his writing is an unidentifiable mixture of fact and speculation that must be treated with caution.) - Bowles W.H. 1926. History of the Vauxhall and Ratcliff glasshouses and their Owners. London, privately printed. (Beware his mistake in the location of the Bear Garden Glasshouse.)
- Brown S. and O’Connor D. 1991. Glass-painters. British Museum Press.
- Bryant A. 1949. Samuel Pepys; the Saviour of the Navy. Collins, London. Also Pepys Diary, various editions.
- Buckley F. 1915. Old London Glasshouses.. London, first published by the Journal of the Society of Glass Technology, Sheffield, 1930, vol. 14, pp.137-149. Reprinted in 2006 by The Society of Glass Technology but with different page numbers. (One or two of his deductions from the advertisements have turned out not to be correct. I have attempted to correct this in my book.)
- Burford E.J. 1974. Queen of the Bawds, The Story of Madame Britannica Hollandia and her House of Obsenitie, Hollands Leaguer. Neville Spearman, London.
- Chalklin C.W. 1965. Seventeenth Century Kent: a social and economic history. Longmans.
- Charleston R.J. 1984. English Glass and the Glass used in England, c. 400 -1940. George Allen & Unwin.
- Dawson A. 1999. Museum of London. in Glass Collectors and their Collections. The Glass Circle, London.
- Dowell S. 1884. A History of Taxation and Taxes in England. vol. IV. Longmans Green, London.
- Engle A. Readings in Glass History. Nos. 1, 5 and 8.
- Evans W., Ross C. and Werner A. 1995. Whitefriars Glass: James Powell & Sons of London. Museum of London.
- Francis G.R. 1926. Old English Drinking Glasses. Herbert Jenkins.
- Godfrey E.S. 1975. The Development of English Glassmaking 1560 - 1640. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Golden G. 1951. Old Bankside. Williams and Norgate.
- Guttery D.R. 1956. From Broad Glass to Cut Crystal. Leonard Hill Books Ltd., London.
- Hajdamach C.R. 2009. 20th Century British Glass ACC Publishing group.
- Hartshorne A. 1897. Old English Glasses. London and New York.
- Horne J. Nonsuch. London, privately published.
- Jackson L. (ed.) 1996. Whitefriars Glass. Richard Dennis, Somerset, TA19 0LE.
- Kenyon G.H. 1967. The Glass Industry of the Weald. Leicester University Press, England.
- Kerssenbrock-Krosigk D. (main author). 2008. Glass of the Alchemists: Lead Crystal - Gold Ruby, 1650 - 1750. The Corning Museum of Glass.
- Mortimer, C., 1995. "Analysis of Post Medieval Glass from Old Broad Street, London, with Reference to Other Contemporary Glasses from London and Italy." In Hook, D.R. and Gaimster, D.R.M. (eds) Trade and Discovery: The Scientific Study of Artefacts from Post-Medieval Europe and Beyond. London: British Museum, 135-144.
- Parsons F.G. 1932. The History of St Thomas’s Hospital. vol. 1.
- Pellatt A. 1849, Curiosities of Glassmaking.
- Powell H.J. 1923. Glass-making in England. Cambridge.
- Price P. Taylor A. and Thompson A. Excavation at Vauxhall Bridgefoot 1989. Museum of London, Dept. of Greater London Archaeology, Southwark and Lambeth.
- Ransome D.R. The Struggle of the Glaziers Company with the Foreign Glaziers, 1500 – 1550.
- Rendel W. and Norman P. 1888. The Inns of Old Southwark. Longmans, London.
- Salzman L.F. 1967. Building in England down to 1540. Oxford, (reprinted with corrections and additions).
- Seeley F. & Murray J.D. 2005. Roman pottery production in the Walbrook valley. MoLAS monograph 25, Museum of London.
- Sellick S. 2001. Images of England, ENFIELD, Tempus Publishing Ltd.
- Shepherd J. & Wardle A. 2009. The Glass Workers of Roman London. Museum of London Archaeology.
- Stow’s Survey.
- Summerson J. 1993. Architecture in Britain, 1530 – 1830. Yale University Press.
- Thornbury W. 1872 – 1878. Old and New London.
- Thorpe W.A. 1924. A History of English and Irish Glass. reprinted 1969.
- Thorpe W.A. 1961. English Glass. 3rd edn. Adam and Charles Black, London.
- Timberlake G.C. 2003. 75 years of diverse glassmaking to the World. privately published. Email
- Tyler K. and Willmott H. 2005. John Bakers late 17th century glasshouse at Vauxhall. Molas Monograph 28, Museum of London Archaeology Service.
- Tyzack D. 1995. Glass,Tools and Tyzacks. privately published.
- Vincent W.T. 1888. Records of the Woolwich District. Vol.1., J.P. Jackson, London.
- Watts D.C. 2008. A History of Glassmaking in London and its development on the Thames South Bank. Watts Publishing.
- Westropp D. 1978. Irish Glass. revised by Mary Boydell, Allen Figgis, Dublin.
- Willmott H. 2005. A History of English Glassmaking AD42-1800. Tempus. Describes all the archaeological sites, with illustrations including those in London. A brief account of London's glassmaking history has bad errors and out of date information about George Ravenscroft.
- Williams L.P. 1971. The Selected Correspondence of Michael Faraday. CUP. 2vols. Letters referring to Faraday's experiments in making optical glass.
- Wimbolt S.E. 1933. Wealden Glass. Cambridge, Hove.
- Young F. 1913. The History of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London
- Bendry R. 1996. The Falcon brick cone glasshouse: the other revolution of 1688. Glass Circle Journal no. 8. Pp.55 - 60.
- Buckley F. The Glass Trade in England in the 17th century. London. 15 – 17.
- Crossley D. 1987. Archaeol. J. , 144, 340 – 382. Sir William Clavell’s glasshouse at Kimmeridge, Dorset. The excavation of 1980/81.
- Holmes M. An unrecorded Map of London. Archaeologia, 1996, vol.100, pp.105-128.
- Oddy R. Scottish glasshouses. Glass Circle paper no. 151, The Glass Circle, London.
- Southwark correspondent, June 1748, Universal Magazine of Knowledge, p. 245.
- Warbis J.H. 1988. Southwark Streets and Alleys up to 1680. Southwark Local Studies Library, ref. no. 9291.R.
- Watson J. Notes on the Woolwich glassworks. Woolwich Local History Library.
- Watts D.C. 1990. Why George Ravenscroft introduced lead oxide into crystal glass. Glass Technology, vol. 31, 208 – 212.
- Watts D.C. 2005. The action taken by Sir Robert Mansell to preserve his patent of glassmaking with coal. Glass Circle Journal, vol. 10, 6 – 12.
- Wilkes R. 1998. Notes for a treatise on Stourbridge glasshouse pot clay. Glass Notes and Anecdotes, privately published.
- Wilkes R. 2007. Notes on the importance of cullet. Glass Circle News, The Glass Circle, London nos. 114-117.
- Wood E.S. 1965. A medieval glasshouse at Blunden’s Wood, Hambledon. Surrey Archaeological Collections, LXII.